A few years ago I found myself tipping the scales at 245 lbs, which was way too heavy for a medium-framed 5-11 dude like me. My problem was (and is) I just loved food more than I liked being skinny.
After gorging myself on a deep-dish pizza one evening (probably 1,500 calories a slice), I happened to notice my manly physique in the mirror. I realized I needed to change a few things. Namely my weight and my eating habits. And I needed to start soon.
The next day I drove to the local Jenny Craig store and listened to the pitch. They hooked me like a starving trout and I tossed two weeks of meals in the car.
The next three months I ate 5 portion-controlled meals a day. The food was very good and I was never hungry. I started drinking a lot more water. The best part is I lost weight, a lot of weight, and in short order. In less than ten weeks I shed 30 lbs. All was good... Except the cost of Jenny Craig food, which was pillaging my wallet to the tune of $180 a week.
My weight loss plan had two aims. Eat no more than 1,500 calories a day to lose weight, and eat a variety of foods to theoretically stave off boredom, allowing Jenny to keep pumping my wallet dry. Nonetheless, my leather friend soon cried uncle. I had to find an alternative.
Bazinga! I was limiting myself to 1500 calories a day to fuel consistent weight loss. All I needed to do continue with grocery store food and do the same, right? I researched the Jenny items I'd been eating and matched them online (God bless you internet) to similar items (with similar calorie counts) from my local grocery chain. Presto, change-o! $180 per week became $67, overnight.
Thankfully, all worked as planned. I kept losing weight at the same pace and in three more months, I was down to 190 lbs, for a total loss of 55 lbs.
The next few months I enjoyed a skinnier me. I'd gone from an XXL shirt and 38-inch waist, to a L shirt and 34-inches. I moved around much easier, had much more energy, and felt a lot better in general.
Enter life...
Complacency, my love of food, and becoming bored with my eating and food prep routine all conspired against me. Inevitably, I fell off the wagon. The next twelve months saw me gain back the entire 55 lbs. Eighteen month from the day I started my Jenny Craig program, I found myself back at an unhealthy 245 lbs. Thank God I'd saved my old clothes.
Take two...
Much as the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic has forced us all to make radical changes in our lives, I decided to try a radical approach to dieting (read "eating lifestyle change"). I decided from then on, I would doggedly stick to 1500 calories a day, but by eating whatever the hell I wanted.
Fast forward exactly two months and I've lost 27.6 lbs., with another 28 (or possibly more) to go. What am I eating? I'm glad you asked. Surprisingly it's Subway, Taco Bell, McDonalds, Schlotzsky's and Whataburger. No way? Yes way! I've cut out all sugar and am drinking just water, unsweetened tea and diet soda, and eating a daily combination of the following: (Note: I'm also taking a daily multi-vitamin, Vitamin-C and a fiber supplement.)
Taco Bell burritos: 350 calories each
Whataburger Jr. Doubles (no cheese): 410 calories
McDonald's Breakfast #6: 700 calories
Subway foot-longs on wheat bread, hold the mayo: 520-700 calories
Subway 6" breakfast sandwich: 410 calories
Schlotsky's medium Turkey Original: 820 calories
Taco Bell Nachos Bellgrande: 750 calories
Yes folks, this does actually work. I'm eating 2-3 meals a day with some low-cal home cookin' thrown in. A typical meal at home is grilled lean chicken, fish or pork with tons of vegetables and a piece of fruit.
I'll continue on my merry way with this unconventional diet and see where it takes me. I'm now down to an XL shirt and 36-inch waist jeans and headed south. I'll keep you updated from time to time.
I like riding with my jacket zipped all the way. And being able to find the zipper.
