Just eight more hours of editing and... Viola! The latest Tripp On Two Wheels' video was done. I decided the CBR1000RR SP Repsol video would be the first to hit the YouTube newsstand so after breakfast I jumped right in. Published just in time for a 6:00 PM premier. Hey, at least we had enough people to throw a virtual Frisbee around. One of these days i'll figure out just what the best day and time is to do one of these premiers, but something tells me it may take a while. Trial and error at its finest you might say.
The video turned out well I think. Found a nice soundtrack for it as well, which is sometimes tough to do with YouTube's downloadable music selection. For a song under the Genre/Mood of "Rock/Angry," it really doesn't sound that way at all. The Repsol in Vibrant Orange is a gorgeous bike but I'd be sure to kill myself the first day if I ever owned one. No matter, it's way beyond the reach of my checkbook. Thank goodness...
Subbed out a McDonald's #2 for the #6 this morning. Seventy fewer calories and more flavor. 215.8 lbs. this morning - even Steven vs. yesterday.
The channel is picking up steam - 5,000+ views yesterday and looks to be at least that many today, AND picked up about 50 new subs in the past two days, which is always a good thing! But as with Forrest's box of chocolates, with YouTube, you never know what you'll get. Up today, down tomorrow, with seemingly no rhyme nor reason - or at least one that I can figure out anyhow.
I just about have the website where I want it. About 85% there anyhow. I still need to figure out some crawler marquee html, attach my email address to the contact box and get in touch with Garmin regarding a sponsorship of the site's "Track Tripp" page. This feature is going to be COOL once it's up and running.
Well homies, it's time to study a little Spanish (trying to relearn after many years) and then head to barn.
Ya'll be good.
