This past Thursday morning, I won the lottery.
Well, sort of.
Last year I sold a bike (a beautiful Vespa LX-150 scooter actually) to a good friend under the terms of "pay me whenever," and I'm happy to announce he made good on half the sale price last week. The good news is the dough is going to fund my continued restoration of the "Barn-Find Sporty" and the purchase of a Garmin InReach to power the "Track Tripp" page on this website.
Within hours of receiving the dough, I was checking out of REI Co-Op with new friend from Garmin. I rushed home, read the instructions thoroughly (weird, huh) and charged it completely. Then it was on to the Garmin site to register and activate the InReach, read a few more instructions (again, weird), and head out for a test ride.
Oh the best laid plans...
After five or six unsuccessful attempts to register I tried once more on the laptop. Punching the ENTER key I got the message "The Garmin site blah, blah, blah, has experienced an outage, blah, blah, blah, sorry for the inconvenience, blah, blah, blah, try again later, blah blah blah."
Turns out Garmin was the target of a $10,000,000 ransomware attack about thirty minutes before I tried to register the InReach. If only I had skipped reading the i

Now it's five days later, and I still am unable to register or activate my InReach service. I am unable to use the thing, but I sure as hell know how to...
Damned instructions.