I've used Garmin products for what seems forever. I've had GPS units for the car and for the bike, hand-helds, three Fitbits and even a watch. All of them have been functional, durable and reliable, and exceedingly so.
I've always been impressed with this company because of their innovation and product quality. but after getting my "InReach" and Track Tripp page up and running, I'm impressed even more with a different facet of the company - their customer service.
Fresh from five days of hell recovering from a ransomware attack (thank you Russia, and yes, Russia and China can both go to hell, and I really mean that), I spent over two hours (over two days) working out the kinks in my InReach-to-website map interface and my tech-idiot brain, with three of the best customer service reps I've ever dealt with. All three were incredibly knowledgeable, creative, helpful and surprisingly friendly.
The result? All problems solved, a great new product in-hand that I actually know how to use, increased confidence in Garmin, and the feeling I had made a new friend with each call.
This trio gave the impression they cared about their company and its reputation, their products, and most of all, me. I'm a happy camper.
Thank you Garmin.

damned hackers....
Honestly I haven’t kept up with Garmin ever since Navigation became so readily available on smartphones. Good to know they’re still doing well, minus the whole cyberattack of course.